co-q-omega: CoQ10 y aceite de pescado omega-3 Fórmula 60 suave Geles de pureza Productos

IVA Incluido
Numero de Articulo: B0045FHCHA

CoQ10 y aceite de pescado omega-3 Fórmula 60 suave Geles de pureza Productos
Descripción: Soporta normal cardiovascular y salud arteriales *Promueve la saludable función del cerebro *Soporta hermosa piel saludable *molecularly destilada Omega-3 aceite de pescado junto con el avanzado health-supporting potencia de CoQ10.Sistema de lemonlock frescura fija en la pureza y sellado de frescura.
Proactively Support Your Heart, Brain, and Joints Now you can enjoy all the benefits of Purity€™s famous high grade Omega-3 Fish Oil along with 50 mg of the clinically proven power of Coenzyme Q10. The molecularly distilled, ultra-pure, super-concentrated Omega-3 fish oils contained in the formulation are part of Purity€™s commitment to high quality, contaminant free products that are third party tested. Just two soft gels deliver 640 mg of EPA, 420 mg of DHA, and 50 mg of CoQ10, supplying a sensible combo of evidence-based nutraceutical ingredients that work towards the same goals.

MARCA: Purity Products

Modelo: B0045FHCHA