Solaray COQ10 60 mg Cápsulas, 60 unidades

IVA Incluido
Numero de Articulo: B00014D232

COQ10 60 mg Cápsulas, 60 unidades
Descripción: Soporta energía celularPromueve la salud cardiovascular.Energía.
Solaray CoQ10 has a potency of 60 mg and is infused with Hawthorne, Vitamin E and Lecithin from Japan. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is also called ubiquinone, a name that signifies its ubiquitous (widespread) distribution in the human body. CoQ10 is used by the body to transform food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy on which the body runs. CoQ10 is found primarily in fish and meat, but the amounts in food are far less than what can be obtained from supplements.

MARCA: Solaray

Modelo: B00014D232