Numero de Articulo: B0036THLI6
Herbs American Ginseng, 1-ounce botella
Descripción: Un adaptógeno potenteSoporta el cuerpo en la adaptación al estrésApoya el sistema inmunológico del cuerpoCompatible con los niveles normales de fuerza y resistenciaCultivado en acuerdo con nature 's intent
Ginseng is one of the most widely used medicinal herbs, with at least six species used in traditional medicine. American Ginseng is native to North America and was used for centuries by Native Americans. It is a potent adaptogen that supports the body in adapting to stress and supports the body€™s immune system. In addition it supports normal levels of stamina and endurance.
MARCA: Gaia Herbs
Modelo: B0036THLI6