Bluebonnet Earth Sweet Cellular Active Methylfolate 1000 mcg Tabletas masticables, 90 unidades
Earth Sweet Cellular Active Methylfolate 1000 mcg Tabletas masticables, 90 unidades
Descripción: Contiene 1000 mcg de la forma metilada de folato, L-metilfolato en tabletas masticables con sabor a frambuesa endulzadas con EarthSweet QuatreFolic es una forma patentada de 5-MTHF - también conocida como 5-metiltetrahidrofolatoFolato metabólico activo Desarrollo neurológico saludable90 comprimidos masticables, 90 porcionesSin soja, sin gluten, sin OMG, certificado Kosher, sin lácteos, vegano.Libre de leche, huevo, pescado, marisco crustáceo, frutos secos, cacahuetes, trigo y soja. También libre de levadura, gluten, cebada, arroz y sodio.
Bluebonnet€™s EarthSweet® Chewables CellularActive® Methylfolate 1000 mcg Tablets contai QuatreFolic a fourth generation folate that supports healthy neurological development, and that has superior stability, solubility, safety and bioactivity when compared to other forms. This product sweetened with EarthSweet a proprietary sweetening mix of juke concentrates (wild blueberry, cranberry, prune, cherry, strawberry, grape, raspberry and bilberry hints, grape seed and raspberry seed extracts) and cane crystals. Available in chewable tablets for maximum assimilation and absorption. ?
MARCA: Marca: BlueBonnet
Modelo: B00T9XKYV4